Friday, March 26, 2010

Tribute to my Mom - Things my Mother taught me

When I started this blog months ago, I didn't really know how I would inaugurate my blog. Call it writer's block. As the events of this week unfolded, a light bulb went off and I knew this would be a great way to start.

Mother's Day is fast approaching. And, if the schedule holds true, it will be the end of the second round of my mother's chemotherapy treatment. She's been diagnosed with cancer. What kind, we don't know yet. We just know it has metastasized to her liver and one of her lymph nodes.

With that in mind, and with the phone calls, emails and personal visits I've had since I let friends know of my mother's diagnosis, they've asked me to keep them updated. As such, I decided I would start my blog with a tribute to my mother. So, I've jotted down more than 20 things my mother taught me. Granted, some of this she may have borrowed from other sources, but she passed them along to me. These are in no particular order.

1. Look both ways before you cross the street.
2. Always wear clean underwear.
3. Pick your battles.
4. Share.
5. Be nice.
6. Do your best.
7. You're never too old to learn.
8. Say please, thank you and I'm sorry and actually mean them.
9. Take care of the things you have; they'll last longer. (In no way am I saying things are more important than people. Nor am I saying you should put plastic on the carpet or furniture, but if that's your thing - so be it.)
10. You can't change someone else, you can only change yourself.
11. You're not any better than anyone else.
12. Don't cry over spilt milk.
13. Don't chew food with your mouth open.
14. Use both hands - be careful.
15. Don't embarrass yourself (or your parents/family).
16. Watch where you're going.
17. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Choose your words carefully.
18. Treat others they way you want to be treated.
19. Be content with what you have.
20. If you haven't worn it, touched it, played with it, smelled it, used it (or more) in a year, get rid of it. (Donate it).
21. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
22. Clean up after yourself.
23. Make the most of every opportunity.
24. Nourish your relationships. Spend quality time with friends and family.


  1. A wise woman! I'll continue to remember you both in prayer.

  2. That's beautiful, Connie. We're praying for you all especially your mom.

  3. That was wonderful Connie. We are thinking of you, your Mom, & your family & praying for you too...
