There's a possibility the tumor is a result of another type of cancer, which is a bit more hopeful.
Mom will have a transfusion on Thursday morning to prepare her for chemotherapy beginning Friday (GOOD FRIDAY). Significant - could be. There are no coincidences where God is concerned.
She won't lose her hair, which is a good thing; although in way I was looking forward to going shopping for wigs, hats, scarves. What fun that would have been! Not that I think anyone who deals with cancer would think anything about it is fun. But, it doesn't mean that life should come to a standstill. Every waking moment doesn't have to be grim or sad. Enjoy being alive! Enjoy spending time with one another.
I wish this wasn't happening. As I posted on my Facebook status a few days ago, if this is the hand that I'm dealt, well then, let's play cards.
Speaking of cards, Mom & I took on Jeff and my Dad in a game of Hand & Foot. We lead the entire game and came out victorious. Mom is prepared to fight this cancer - to fight that hand she's been dealt - and we will all come out victorious!
Getting back to the chemo - she has her first round on Good Friday. A week later, another round. And, I believe, if she's able to handle the treatment, they'll add something to the therapy. Surgery could be a possibility if the tumor is a different type of cancer. It will depend on her age - and she'll have to travel to have the surgery.
Please pray for: Strength for the chemotherapy. That the treatment will reduce the tumors. Pray for wisdom for the pathologist as he reviews the slides from the liver biopsy. Pray for clear results. Pray that the tumor is from the other type of cancer. Pray that she will be strong to withstand surgery at her age. Pray for time. Pray for strength, comfort and peace for all of us. Thank God for giving us this time to be together as a family. Thank God that tests so far reveal it's not pancreatic cancer.
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